1998 — 2003 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Governing bodies and methods of operation
- Settings and routine maintenance of the car
   General information
   General information about settings and adjustments
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of their rating, rotation of wheels
   Replacement of motive oil and oil filter
   General checks of the brake system
   Check and replacement of the saloon filter of a heater and To/in
   Check of a state and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment, localization of leaks
   Check of a state and replacement of belts of the drive of auxiliary units
   Replacement of the filtering air cleaner element
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Check and replacement of spark plugs
   Replacement of brake fluid, pumping of the brake system
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts and hinges of the driveshaft
   Check of operability of lighting fixtures, horn and fan of a heater
   Check of the EVAP system
   Check of a state, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Check of a condition of the battery and care of it
   Replacement of the cooling liquid (CL)
   Check and adjustment of valvate gaps
   Check and adjustment of the course of pedals of the working and parking brake
   Check of boots of the parking brake
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Replacement of motive oil and oil filter

The long contact of skin with the fulfilled motive oil is quite dangerous. Use protective cream or put on rubber gloves during the procedures described below.

Frequent replacement of motive oil is the main preventive procedure of service, to the available amateur mechanic. Eventually oil is subject to fluidifying and pollution that leads to premature wear of the engine.

Sinking of motive oil

Motive oil can be pumped out by means of the probe through the directing probe tube.


  1. Warm up the engine up to the working temperature of cooling liquid.
  2. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props, or tire out on a viewing hole.
  3. Substitute under a drain stopper capacity about 6 l for collecting the fulfilled oil.
  1. Turn out a drain stopper and let's oil flow down completely.

Do not burn a hand with the warmed following oil!

  1. Check a condition of the fulfilled oil. If in it there are at a large number a metal shaving and products of wear, it indicates existence of zadir, for example, in bearings of a bent shaft and conrod bearings. For an exception of damages after the made repairs it is necessary to clear carefully oil channels and hoses, and also, at the corresponding complete set, to replace the oil cooler.

Replacement of an oil filter


  1. Turn out an oil filter from a flange. For this purpose it is possible to use special adaptation or a tape key. It is also possible to insert the sharp screw-driver sideways into the filter, at the same time oil therefore in advance substitute capacity for collecting oil under the filter will begin to follow from the filter.
  1. Wipe a surface of an oil filter and its flange on the block of cylinders and remove sealing laying if it remained on a flange.
  2. Grease sealing laying of a new oil filter with pure motive oil.
  3. Screw a new oil filter by hand. After laying will lie down to a flange on the block of cylinders, tighten the filter on three quarters of a turn. Pay attention to the remarks given on the filter case.

Filling of the engine with oil

When replacing it is necessary to use oil of identical type and, whenever possible, identical brand. It is for this purpose recommended to fix at each replacement of oil on the engine a label with the indication of brand and viscosity of oil. Motive oils of identical type and identical brands, but different viscosity can fill in during appropriate time of year.


  1. Screw a carving stopper of a drain opening with a new sealing ring and tighten it with effort of 45 Nanometers.
  2. Uncover a jellied mouth and fill in motive oil approximately on half of liter less, than it is specified in Specifications (see the Section Check of Levels of Liquids, control of leaks).
  3. Start the engine and let's it work idling, having checked existence of leak of motive oil meanwhile.
  4. Wait for 5 minutes, then check the level of oil and if necessary modify it.
  5. Make a trial trip on the car and check a drain stopper and an oil filter for leaks. If necessary, carefully bring up them. Double-check oil level, if necessary modify it.