1998 — 2003 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Governing bodies and methods of operation
+ Settings and routine maintenance of the car
- Engine
   General information and preparatory operations
   Check of compression pressure
   Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gage
   Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the top dead point (TDP)
   Check of a corner of an advancing of ignition
   Removal, check and installation of a belt of the GRM drive of its natyazhitel, pulley and cogwheel of a bent shaft, cogwheels of camshafts and intermediate rollers
   Removal, dismantling, check, assembly and installation of a head of cylinders and its components
   Removal and installation of the engine, check of support
   Block of cylinders
   Check of D/V of pressure of motive oil
   Removal, dismantling, check, assembly and installation of the oil pump and pallet of a case
+ Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections

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General information

Engine type 6-cylinder petrol 4-stroke engine, DOHC
Designation 1MZ-FE
Sequence of ignition 1-2-3-4-5-6

Direction of rotation of a bent shaft Clockwise
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 87.5 / 83
Volume of cylinders, cm 3 2995
Extent of compression 10.5:1
Compression pressure, atm
  • At 250 rpm (standard)
  • Minimum
The maximum admissible difference of compression pressure in cylinders, atm 1
Turns of idling, rpm
  • At switched off To/in
700 ± 50
  • At included In ("COOL") and the fan ("HI")
730 ± 50
Valvate gap see Specifications to the Head Nastroyki and routine maintenance of the car
Ignition advancing corner, hail. to VMT
  • At peremknuty contacts of the TE1 and E1 DLC socket No. 1
  • At the opened contacts of the TE1 and E1 DLC socket No. 1
Ledge of a pusher of a natyazhitel of a belt of the GRM drive, mm 10.0÷10.8
The maximum admissible deformation of the interfaced surface of the air distributor, mm 0.10
The maximum admissible deformation of the interfaced surface of the inlet pipeline, mm
  • To the air distributor
  • To a head of cylinders
The maximum admissible deformation of the interfaced surface of a final collector, mm 0.5
Engine VSV support resistance (at a temperature of 20 a hail.), Ohm 18÷22
Pressure of motive oil, atm
  • Idling
not less than 0.3
  • At 3000 rpm
Gap between rotors of the oil pump and the top plane of their adjusting nest, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Gap between rotors of the oil pump, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Gap between the conducted rotor of the oil pump and a wall of an adjusting nest of rotors, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum

Assembly of a head of cylinders

The maximum admissible deformation of the surface interfaced to the block of cylinders, mm 0.1
Diameter of a tension part of a bolt with a head under a prutkovy key hexagon of fastening of a head of cylinders, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Internal diameter of the directing plug of the valve, mm 5.510÷5.530
Diameter of a core of the valve, mm
  • Inlet valve
  • Final valve
Oil gap of the valve (standard//minimum), mm
  • Final valve
  • Final valve
Valve facet corner, hail. 44.5
Corner of the interfaced valve saddle surface, hail. 45
Width of the interfaced surface of a saddle of the valve, mm 1.0÷1.4
Valve saddle pro-point corners, hail.

Height of a corbel of a head of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Masimalny
Full standard//minimum length of the valve, mm
  • Inlet valve
95.45 / 94.95
  • Final valve
95.40 / 94.90
The maximum deviation of a valvate spring from a vertical, mm 2.0
Length of a valvate spring in a free state, mm 45.50
Tension of the valvate spring compressed to length of 33.8 mm, N 186÷206
Diameter of a pro-point under a pusher of the valve, mm 31.000÷31.016
Diameter of a pusher of the valve, mm 30.966÷30.976
Oil gap of a pusher of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Outer diameter of the directing plug of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Overestimated
Height of the directing plug of the valve, mm
  • Inlet valves
  • Final valves
Height of a ledge of the directing valve plug from a head of cylinders, mm
  • Inlet valves
  • Final valves
Diameter of a pro-point under the directing plug of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Overestimated


Diameter of necks, mm 26.959÷26.975
Maximum admissible radial beating of an average neck, mm 0.06
Height of cams (standard//minimum), mm
Inlet camshaft 42.932÷43.032//42.78
Final camshaft 42.764÷42.864//42.61
Oil gap in bearings (standard//minimum), mm
Inlet camshaft 0.035÷0.072//0.10
Final camshaft 0.025÷0.062//0.09
Axial side play, mm
Standard 0.04÷0.09
Maximum 0.12
Dead course of gear wheels, mm
Standard 0.02÷0.20
Maximum 0.30
Gap in spring cutting
ring of a gear wheel, mm

Block of cylinders and bent shaft

Axial side play of the conrod bearing, mm
Standard 0.15÷0.30
Maximum 0.35
Thickness of a rod, mm 20.80÷20.85
Oil gap in conrod bearings, mm
Standard 0.038÷0.064
Maximum 0.08
Thickness of walls of inserts of conrod bearings, mm
Tag "1" 1.484÷1.487
Tag "2" 1.487÷1.490
Tag "3" 1.490÷1.493
Tag "4" 1.493÷1.496
Diameter of conrod necks of a bent shaft, mm 52.992÷53.000
Axial side play of radical bearings of a bent shaft, mm
Standard 0.04÷0.24
Maximum 0.30
Thickness of a persistent washer
bent shaft, mm
Oil gap (standard//maximum) in radical bearings of a bent shaft, mm
Necks No. 1 and No. 4 0.014÷0.034//0.05
Necks No. 2 and No. 3 0.026÷0.046//0.06

The required inserts of radical bearings of a bent shaft, proceeding from the sum of numerical tags on a shaft (A) and on the block of cylinders (B).

Tags on cranked to a shaft, on the block of cylinders and on inserts of radical bearings

Necks 1 and 4
  • A + B = (0÷5)
tag "3"
  • A + B = (6÷11)
tag "4"
  • A + B = (12÷17)
tag "5"
  • A + B = (18÷23)
tag "6"
  • A + B = (24÷28)
tag "7"
Necks 2 and 3 value of a tag on inserts of necks 1 or 4 minus 2
Landing diameter of radical necks of a bent shaft according to tags, mm 66.0XX, where XX – a numerical tag (from "00" to "16")
Diameter of radical necks of a bent shaft according to tags, mm (61.000-0.0XX), where XX – a numerical tag (from "00" to "12")
Thickness of walls of inserts of radical bearings, mm
  • Tag "1"
  • Tag "2"
  • Tag "3"
  • Tag "4"
  • Tag "5"
  • Tag "6"
  • Tag "7"
Maximum admissible radial beating of the camshaft, mm 0.06
Maximum admissible conicity and ovality of necks of the camshaft, mm 0.02
The maximum admissible deformation of the surface interfaced to a head of cylinders, mm 0.07
Diameter of the cylinder, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Diameter of a tension part of a bolt (with a 12-faced head) fastenings of a cover of the radical bearing of a bent shaft, mm
  • Standard
  • Minimum

Pistons and rods

Diameter of the piston at distance of 23.2 mm from the bottom, mm 87.406÷87.416
Oil gap of the piston in the cylinder, mm
  • Standard
  • Minimum
Gap of landing of piston rings, mm

No. 1


No. 2

The lock section size (standard//maximum) the established piston rings, mm

No. 1


No. 2


Plates of an oil scraper ring

The maximum admissible linear roughness of a rod on 100 mm of length, mm 0.05
The maximum admissible curvature of a rod on 100 mm of length, mm 0.15
Internal diameter of an opening under a finger, mm 22.005÷22.014
Diameter of a finger, mm 21.997÷22.006
Gap of landing of a finger, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Diameter of a tension part of a bolt of fastening of a cover of the conrod bearing, mm
  • Standard
  • Minimum

Efforts of tightening of threaded connections, Nanometer

Bolt of fastening of the holding plate of a cogwheel of a bent shaft  8
Bolts of fastening of intermediate rollers of a belt of the GRM drive
  • Top roller (No. 2)
  • Lower roller (No. 1)
Fixture of a natyazhitel of a driving belt to the oil pump 27
Bolts of fastening of cogwheels of camshafts
  • Right number of cylinders
  • Left number of cylinders
Bolt of fastening of the right basic arm of the engine 28
Bolts of fastening of covers of a belt of the GRM drive 8.5
Bolt of fastening of a pulley of a bent shaft 215
Nut of fastening of an arm No. 2 of the generator 28
Bolts of fastening of an arm of the generator to the block of cylinders 43
Bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of camshafts 16
Nut of fastening of a rotor of VVT-i 150
VVT-i valve filter stopper 45
Bolts of fastening of a back cover of a head of cylinders 10
Fixture of a side cover of the block of cylinders 9
Bolts of fastening of heads of cylinders
  • With 12-faced heads
54 then to hold on the 90th hail on a corner.
  • With heads under a prutkovy key
Bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of camshafts 16
Bolts of fastening of covers of heads of cylinders 8
Nuts of fastening of a final collector 49
Fixture of a rack of a final collector
  • Right
  • Left
Fixture of the fuel giving hose to the fuel filter 29
Pump GUR arm fixture 43
Bolt of fastening of a guide of the probe of level of motive oil 8
Nuts of fastening of the catalytic converter 62
Bolt of fastening of the giving cooling system tube to a head of cylinders 19.5
Bolts of fastening of a back plate of a head of cylinders 8
Fixture of a water waste branch pipe 15
Air distributor fixture to the inlet pipeline 43
Fixture of the inlet pipeline to a head of cylinders 15
Bolts of fastening of a lifting hook No. 1 of the engine 39
Bolts of fastening of a rack of the air distributor 19.5
Nut of fastening of the tire of grounding to the air distributor 14.5
Bolts of fastening of a lifting hook of the engine 19.5
Bolts of fastening of a forward support and back arm of fastening of the engine to the engine 64
Nuts of a back arm of fastening of the engine to a back support 87
Bolts of fastening of the power unit to the left support 64
Bolts of fastening of a quencher of fluctuations of the engine 48
Bolts of fastening of a forward support of the engine to a stretcher 80
Bolts of fastening of assembly of the steering mechanism with thirsts for a stretcher 181
Bolts of fastening of the stabilizer of a forward suspension bracket to a stretcher 19
Bolts of fastening of the pump GUR 43
Bolts of fastening of support of a back stretcher

  • A bolts
  • B bolts
Bolts of fastening of support of a back stretcher 181
Bolts of the right basic arm No. 2 and draft of fastening of the engine

  • Bolts of A, B, C
  • Bolt of D
Nuts of fastening of forward and central sections of an exhaust pipe 62
Nuts of fastening of forward section No. 2 of an exhaust pipe 56
Nuts of fastening of the top strut of the engine 80
Nuts of fastening of levers of screenwashes to their drafts 24
Bolts of fastening of covers of conrod bearings
  • 1st stage
  •  To hold on the 2nd stage
on a corner 90th hail.
Bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings

With a 12-faced head

    • 1st stage
    • 2nd stage
to hold on the 90th hail on a corner.

With a 6-faced head

Bolts of fastening of the holder of a back epiploon of a bent shaft 8
Drain traffic jams of OZh in the block of cylinders 39
Bolts of fastening of sealing laying of the cooling system of the block of cylinders 18
Coupling of an oil filter 30
Bolts of fastening of a reception branch pipe of OZh 8
Detonation sensors 39
GRM drive belt roller No. 2 arm fixture 28
Fixture of an arm of the K/V compressor 25
Bolts of fastening of a driving disk 83
D/V of pressure of motive oil 13
Stopper of the reducing valve of the oil pump 49
Bolts of fastening of the oil pump
  • With a head of 10 mm
  • With a head of 12 mm
CKP sensor 8
Fixture of a maslootrazhatelny plate to the top section of the pallet of a case 8
Bolts of fastening of the top section of the pallet of a case
  • With a head of 10 mm
  • With a head of 12 mm
  • With a head of 14 mm
Bolts of fastening of the lower cover of a cavity of a driving disk 7.8
Fixture of a maslozabornik 8
Fixture of the lower section of the pallet of a case 8
Drain stopper of motive oil 45

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