1998 — 2003 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Governing bodies and methods of operation
- Settings and routine maintenance of the car
   General information
   General information about settings and adjustments
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of their rating, rotation of wheels
   Replacement of motive oil and oil filter
   General checks of the brake system
   Check and replacement of the saloon filter of a heater and To/in
   Check of a state and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment, localization of leaks
   Check of a state and replacement of belts of the drive of auxiliary units
   Replacement of the filtering air cleaner element
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Check and replacement of spark plugs
   Replacement of brake fluid, pumping of the brake system
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts and hinges of the driveshaft
   Check of operability of lighting fixtures, horn and fan of a heater
   Check of the EVAP system
   Check of a state, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Check of a condition of the battery and care of it
   Replacement of the cooling liquid (CL)
   Check and adjustment of valvate gaps
   Check and adjustment of the course of pedals of the working and parking brake
   Check of boots of the parking brake
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Check of a state and replacement of belts of the drive of auxiliary units

Check of a state

Too low tension of a belt leads to its increased wear or bystry failure. At too high tension there can be damages of bearings of the units given by this belt. It is necessary to check periodically a condition of a belt, and at detection of defects, to replace a belt.


  1. Fingers walk on all length of a belt, feeling it on existence of cracks and stratifications. Also check whether is not present on a belt of attritions and sites, zapolirovanny to gloss. The belt should be examined on both sides that means need of its twisting. Be in passing convinced of lack of a rust, cracks and agnails on pulleys. On a working surface of a belt existence of superficial perpendicular cracks is allowed. If these cracks do not overstep the bounds of one edge and not really deep, to replace a belt there is no need.
Wear of edges of edges of a driving belt
Cross cracks (D) from a reverse side of a belt and peeling of edges (E)
Razlokhmachivaniye of side edges (F), cracks (H) and peeling of side edges (G)
Separation of edges (J), cracks (K)
  1. Make sure of correctness of provision of a belt on pulleys.
  1. Check a tension of driving belts by means of special adaptation and compare the received results to requirements of Specifications of the Head Nastroyki and routine maintenance of the car.

The tension of a belt of the drive of the K/V compressor and generator should be checked on the site between them.


When replacing a multiridge belt new has to be the same size, as well as old. At installation of a new belt it is necessary to pay attention that the belt adjoins closely to pulleys and it is not displaced concerning their end faces. If the multiridge belt is removed not for the purpose of its replacement, remember or note the direction of its movement that then to establish a belt by the correct party.


  1. Give the hinged and fixing bolts of a belt of the drive of the generator and К/В compressor. Weaken a belt tension an adjusting bolt and take off a belt.
1 — the Hinged bolt
2 — the Fixing bolt
3 — the Adjusting bolt
  1. Establish a new belt of the drive of the generator and K/V compressor in the sequence, the return to removal. Check a belt tension.
  2. Give hinged and adjusting bolts of a belt of the drive of the pump GUR and take off a belt.
1 — the Hinged bolt
2 — the Adjusting bolt
3 — the Adjusting bracket
  1. Establish a new belt of the drive of the pump GUR in the sequence, the return to removal. Check a belt tension.
  2. Procedures of removal and replacement of a belt of the drive of the pump GUR are provided in the Section Removal and installation of the pump GUR and its driving belt.