1998 — 2003 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Governing bodies and methods of operation
+ Settings and routine maintenance of the car
- Engine
   General information and preparatory operations
   Check of compression pressure
   Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gage
   Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the top dead point (TDP)
   Check of a corner of an advancing of ignition
   Removal, check and installation of a belt of the GRM drive of its natyazhitel, pulley and cogwheel of a bent shaft, cogwheels of camshafts and intermediate rollers
   Removal, dismantling, check, assembly and installation of a head of cylinders and its components
   Removal and installation of the engine, check of support
   Block of cylinders
   Check of D/V of pressure of motive oil
   Removal, dismantling, check, assembly and installation of the oil pump and pallet of a case
+ Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal, dismantling, check, assembly and installation of a head of cylinders and its components



  1. Remove a windshield fairing (see the Head Kuzov).
  2. Empty the engine cooling system (see the Section Replacement of the Cooling Liquid (CL)).
  3. Remove a forward right wheel and the protection cover of a wing (1 on an illustration the Components which are subject to removal for access to the GRM drive).
  4. Take off a generator drive belt (2 on an illustration the Components which are subject to removal for access to the GRM drive) (see the Section Check of a State and Replacement of Belts of the Drive of Auxiliary Units).
  5. Remove the pump GUR (see the Head Podvesk and steering).
  6. Remove forward section of an exhaust pipe (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  1. Remove a decorative cover of the engine.
  1. Remove assembly of the air cleaner (see the Section Removal and installation of the air cleaner)
  2. Remove the activator of a tempostat (4 on an illustration the Components which are subject to removal for access to the GRM drive).
  3. Remove the top strut of a motive compartment (9 on an illustration the Components which are subject to removal for access to the GRM drive) (see the Head Kuzov).

Components of installation of the air distributor and inlet pipeline

1 — the Pressure head tube of GUR
2 — an air distributor Rack
3 — the Lifting hook No. 1 of the engine
4 — the EVAP system VSV Socket
5 — a weight Cable
6 — the Vacuum hose of the amplifier of brakes
7 — the grounding Tire
8 — the D/V ECT Socket
9 — a PCV system Hose
10 — Assembly of the air distributor
11 — Laying
12 — the TPS Socket
13 — the IAC valve Socket
14 — the Cable of the drive of a butterfly valve

15 — Perepuskna a cooling system hose
16 — the Vacuum hose
17 — a purge Hose
18 — the Clip of a fuel hose
19 — the ACIS system No. 1 VSV Socket
20 — I Will corrode grounding tires
21 — the Clamp
22 — a heater Hose
23 — the Top hose of a radiator
24 — Assembly of the inlet pipeline
25 — the injector Socket
26 — the ignition Coil
27 — the Spark plug
28 — I Will corrode ignition coils
29 — the Water waste branch pipe


  1. Remove assembly of the air distributor. For this purpose execute the following operations:
    • Disconnect the following cables and sockets of an electrical wiring:
      • Cable of the drive of a butterfly valve;
      • Socket and clamps of the TPS sensor;
      • IAC valve socket;
      • VSV sockets No. 1 and No. 2 of the ACIS system;
      • EVAP system VSV socket.
    • Turn out three bolts and disconnect a pressure head tube of GUR from the air distributor, its rack and a lifting hook No. 1 of the engine.
    • Separate the following connections:
      • PCV hose from the PCV valve on a head of the right number of cylinders (1);
      • Cable of weight and the tire of grounding from the valve of management of air supply of the ACIS (2) system;
      • Weight cable from the air distributor (3);
      • Vacuum hose of the amplifier of brakes from the air distributor (4);
      • Two perepuskny hoses of the cooling system from the case of a throttle (5);
      • Hose of admixture of air from the case of a throttle (6);
      • Purge hose from a tube on assembly of the valve of the EVAP (7) system;
      • Two vacuum hoses from the vacuum chamber of the ACIS (8) system;
      • Engine electrical wiring collar from assembly of the valve of the EVAP (9) system.

The connections which are subject to dismantling

(part 1)
(part 2)
    • Remove a lifting hook No. 1 of the engine and a rack of the air distributor.
    • Turn out two bolts, two nuts and remove the air distributor together with laying.
  1. Separate the following connections:
    • Sockets of injectors (No. 25);
    • The giving fuel hose from a tube (No. 18) (follow safety rules of work with fuel system);
    • Heater hose from the inlet pipeline (No. 22).
  1. Turn out 9 bolts and two nuts in the sequence, the return shown, remove two washers. Remove the inlet pipeline, fuel distributive highways and assembly of injectors.
  1. Disconnect sockets (8 and 20) and the top hose of a radiator (23) then turn out two bolts and two nuts from a water waste branch pipe (29), remove two washers, disconnect perepuskny a hose (15) and remove a water waste branch pipe with two laying (11).
  2. Remove coils of ignition and a spark plug (see the Section Check and replacement of spark plugs).
  3. Take off a GRM drive belt, cogwheels of camshafts and top (No. 2) an intermediate roller (see the Section Removal, check and installation of a belt of the GRM drive of its natyazhitel, pulley and cogwheel of a bent shaft, cogwheels of camshafts and intermediate rollers).
  4. Release an engine electrical wiring plait from three clips on a cover No. 3 of a belt of the GRM drive (No. 10), turn out 6 bolts of fastening of a cover and remove it.

Components of installation of final collectors, sensors and electrical wiring

1 — an engine electrical wiring Plait
2 — the Final collector of the right number of cylinders
3 — the Rack of a final collector of the right number of cylinders
4 — Laying
5 — the VVT-i system Valve
6 — the Back plate of a head of cylinders
7 — the Sealing ring
8 — a pump GUR Arm

9 — the CKP Sensor
10 — a GRM drive belt Cover No. 3
11 — the Epiploon
12 — the Plug
13 — the Giving water hose
14 — the Guide of the probe of measurement of level of motive oil
15 — the Rack of a final collector of the left number of cylinders
16 — the Final collector of the left number of cylinders


  1. Remove CMP (9) sensors and valves of management of GRM (5) lubricant.
  2. Give fixture and disconnect protection of an electrical wiring of the engine against the back, right and left parties of a head of cylinders.
Electrical wiring plait fixture on the back party of a head of cylinders
Electrical wiring plait fixture on a head of the right number of cylinders
Electrical wiring plait fixture on a head of the left number of cylinders
  1. Turn out two bolts and remove a back plate (No. 6) of the left head of cylinders.
  2. Turn out a bolt and disconnect the giving tube (No. 13) from a reception branch pipe. Remove a sealing ring.
  3. Turn out three bolts and remove an arm of the pump GUR (No. 8).
  4. Disconnect an electrical wiring of the sensor of quality of air-fuel mix (the sensor 1 of a row 1) from a final collector of the right number of cylinders, remove a rack of a collector (No. 3) and, having given 6 nuts, remove a collector (No. 2).
  5. Remove the catalytic converter (No. 20 on an illustration the Components which are subject to removal for access to the GRM drive).
  6. Disconnect an electrical wiring of the sensor of quality of air-fuel mix (the sensor 1 of a row 2) from a final collector of the left number of cylinders, remove a rack of a collector (No. 15) and, having given 6 nuts, remove a collector (No. 16).
  7. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a guide of the probe of level of motive oil (No. 14) and extend a guide together with the probe and a sealing ring from the case pallet.
  8. Turn out 9 bolts of fastening of covers (1 and 13) heads of cylinders (25 and 26) and uncover together with laying.

Components of assembly of a head of cylinders

1 — the Cover of a head of the left number of cylinders
2 — Laying
3 — Laying of a candle opening
4 — the Washer of adjustment of a valvate gap
5 — a valve Pusher
6 — Crackers of cutting locks
7 the Plate of a valvate spring
8 the Valvate spring
9 — the Saddle of a valvate spring
10 — the Maslootrazhatelny cap
11 — the Directing valve plug
12 — the Valve
13 — the Cover of a head of the right number of cylinders
14 — the Wavy washer
15 — Pruzhina of a camshaft gear wheel
16 — the Cutting lock ring

17 — the Additional gear wheel of the camshaft
18 — the Inlet camshaft of the right number of cylinders
19 — the Final camshaft of the right number of cylinders
20 — the Inlet camshaft of the left number of cylinders
21 — the Final camshaft of the left number of cylinders
22 — the VVT-i system valve Filter
23 — the Back cover of a head of cylinders
24 — the Segment cap
25 — the Head of the left number of cylinders
26 — the Head of the right number of cylinders
27 — Laying of a head of the right number of cylinders
28 — a camshaft bearing Cover
29 — a camshaft Epiploon
30 — Laying of a head of the right number of cylinders
31 — the Camshaft
32 — the Rotor of shift of phases GRM (VVT-i)


  1. Remove the inlet camshaft of the right number of cylinders. For this purpose:
    • Combine adjusting tags (on two points; on shaft of the left number of cylinders – on one point) on gear wheels of inlet and final shaft, turning them an adjustable spanner for a lyska on final to a shaft.
    • Fasten among themselves the main and additional gear wheels of the final camshaft with a bolt of M6-1.0X16(20), thereby having recorded a gear wheel spring.
    • In stages weaken and turn out 10 bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of the camshaft.
    • Remove 5 covers of bearings and the camshaft.
  1. In stages weaken and turn out 10 bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of the final camshaft of the right number of cylinders. Remove 5 covers of bearings and the camshaft.
  1. Remove inlet, and then final camshafts of the left number of cylinders, working similar to removal of shaft of the right number of cylinders.
  2. The removed shaft and covers of their bearings arrange according to their adjusting situation that at assembly to install them on former places.
  3. Consistently fix in a vice final camshafts for lysk under a wrench and sort shaft. For this purpose:
    • By means of special adaptation turn an additional gear wheel counterclockwise and turn out the bolt fastening it to the main gear wheel.
    • Squeeze nippers a cutting lock ring (No. 16) and remove it.
    • Remove a wavy washer (14), an additional gear wheel (17) and a spring of a gear wheel (15).

Do not mix the removed parts of final camshafts of the left and right number of cylinders.

  1. Remove heads of cylinders. For this purpose:
    • Turn out a prutkovy six-sided key on 8 mm the corresponding extreme bolt of fastening of each head of cylinders.
    • Evenly, in stages weaken and turn out 8 bolts of fastening of each head of cylinders strictly in the sequence. Remove 16 bolts with washers.
    • Remove heads of cylinders from hairpins of the block of cylinders and lay them on wooden whetstones not to damage the interfaced surfaces. If it is not possible to remove heads of cylinders manually, accurately hook them the screw-driver, trying not to damage the interfaced surfaces of heads and the block of cylinders.


Do not remove a rotor of installation of phases GRM (VVT-i) from the camshaft if it is not supposed to replace a rotor or a shaft.


  1. Remove pushers of valves and adjusting washers. Their arrangement so that then them it was possible to establish on former places.
  2. Remove valves. For this purpose:
    • Squeeze a valvate spring and remove crackers of cutting locks.
    • Remove a plate springs, a spring and the valve.
    • Pull out nippers maslootrazhatelny caps.
    • By means of compressed air and a magnet remove a spring saddle.
    • Arrangement the removed components so that then them it was possible to establish on former places.
  3. Turn out 6 bolts and remove a back cover of a head of cylinders and its laying (No. 23).
  1. Turn out a stopper and remove the filter of the valve of the VVT-i system and its laying.
  1. Clamp in a vice the camshaft for lysk under a six-sided key, give a face key 46 mm a nut of fastening of a rotor of VVT-i and remove a rotor, if necessary having brought down him the hammer with soft brisk.

The nut has the left carving.

Do not turn out three bolts of a rotor.



  1. Clear a soft scraper the top surfaces of pistons of coal deposits, clear the interfaced surfaces of the block of cylinders and heads of cylinders of the laying remains then blow the dirt remains compressed air and blow oil from carving openings under bolts of fastening of heads of cylinders.
  2. Clear a wire brush of the combustion chamber of coal deposits then wash up heads of cylinders a soft brush with solvent.
  3. By means of the ramrod clear the directing plugs of valves. Clear heads of valves of coal deposits then clear valves a soft brush.
  4. By means of an equal flat ruler measure not planeness of surfaces of heads of the cylinders interfaced to the block of cylinders. If necessary replace a head of cylinders.
  5. Measure the internal diameter of the directing plugs of valves, diameter of cores of valves (in several sections) then calculate an oil gap. Compare all obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, if necessary replace a guide the plug and/or the valve.
  6. Measure a valve facet corner, height of a corbel of a head of Kapan, full length of the valve and check the top surface of a core of the valve for wear. Compare all obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, if necessary replace the valve or grind the top surface of a core (but not less than to the minimum admissible length of a core!).
  1. Pierce saddles of valves at an angle the 45th hail. also check concentricity of saddles of valves and facets of valves, and also width of their interface. If necessary pierce a valve saddle.
  1. Leaning valvate springs against a metal corner, you will measure spring end face deviation size from a vertical. You will measure length of springs in a free state then measure a spring tension at compression it to length of 33.8 mm. Compare all obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, if necessary replace valvate springs.
  2. You will measure a radial beating of the central neck and diameter of necks of each camshaft. Measure height of cams and an axial side play of camshafts. Compare all obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, if necessary replace the camshaft or check an oil gap of its bearings.
  3. Check bearings of camshafts for existence of flakings and jags. If necessary replace covers of bearings and a head of cylinders assembled.
  4. Clear necks of a cover of bearings of camshafts then measure an oil gap of bearings by means of the Plastigage set, having tightened bolts of fastening of covers of bearings with effort of 16 Nanometers. Compare the obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel and if necessary replace the camshaft and/or covers of bearings and a head of cylinders assembled.
  5. Install camshafts without additional gear wheel of the final camshaft and measure the dead course of gear wheels. If the measured value does not meet requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, replace camshafts.
  6. Measure gap size in a spring ring of a gear wheel of the camshaft. If the measured value does not meet requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel, replace a spring.
  7. Measure diameter of a pro-point under a valve pusher, diameter of the pusher and calculate an oil gap of a pusher. Compare the obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel and if necessary replace a pusher and/or a head of cylinders.
  8. By means of an equal flat ruler measure not planeness of the interfaced surfaces of the air distributor, both interfaced surfaces of the inlet pipeline and the interfaced surface of final collectors. Compare the obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel and if necessary replace the corresponding components.
  9. Measure diameter of a tension part of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders with heads under a prutkovy key hexagon. Compare the obtained data with requirements of Specifications of the Head Dvigatel and if necessary replace bolts.

Assembly and installation

Before starting assembly and installation, make sure of purity of all components.


  1. If VVT-i rotor was removed, establish it. For this purpose combine a pin on distributive to a shaft with a groove on a rotor, put on a rotor a shaft and tighten a nut of fastening of a rotor with effort of 150 Nanometers, previously having oiled a carving motive.
  1. At installation of a new head of cylinders it is required to install plugs of spark plugs and a tube of the PCV system. Grease plugs of spark plugs before installation with the fixing sealant (for example, Three Bond 1324) and press, having left to act on 42.4 ÷ 43.4 mm over an adjusting surface of a cover of the bearing of the camshaft. Hammer tubes of PCV with the hammer through wooden laying aflush with the interfaced surface of a head of cylinders.
Installation of the plug of a spark plug
Installation of a tube of PCV
  1. Install the VVT-i valve filter together with laying (see No. 22) and tighten a filter stopper with effort of 45 Nanometers.
  2. Establish a back cover of a head of cylinders (see No. 23) and tighten bolts of its fastening with effort of 10 Nanometers.
  3. Install valves in the sequence, the return sequence of their removal.

Maslootrazhatelny caps of inlet valves have brown color, and final - gray.

  1. Establish pushers of valves and adjusting washers. Make sure that pushers smoothly rotate by hand in the landing nests.
  2. Install on the block of cylinders two laying of heads of cylinders according to well-aimed on laying (L – left, R – right). Establish heads of cylinders.
  3. Consistently as it should be, the return specified illustrations, tighten 8 bolts of fastening of each head of cylinders (with 12-faced heads) with effort of 54 Nanometers then hold on them in the same sequence on a corner the 90th hail.

Before tightening of bolts grease their carving and the lower part of heads with a thin layer of motive oil.

  1. Tighten bolts of fastening of heads of cylinders with heads under a prutkovy key with effort of 18 Nanometers.

Before tightening of bolts grease their carving and the lower part of heads with a thin layer of motive oil.

  1. Put on a spring of an additional gear wheel, a gear wheel and a wavy washer then record their spring lock ring (No. No. 14-17) final camshafts.
  2. Turning an additional gear wheel clockwise by means of special adaptation, combine openings in the main and additional gear wheels and temporarily screw in them an auxiliary bolt. Level teeths of the main and additional gear wheels and tighten a bolt.
  1. Grease necks of final camshafts with fresh motive oil and lay them in a head of cylinders, having developed adjusting tags on a corner the 90th hail. up from the head plane.
  1. Grease with universal lubricant sealing edges of a new forward epiploon and install it on the camshaft.
  1. Clear covers of bearings No. 1 of camshafts of old pro-masonry material and apply new sealant (No. 08826-0080 according to the Toyota/Lexus catalog).
  1. Establish covers of bearings of final camshafts on their former places and with former orientation.

Tags of the E1 type on covers of bearings designate number of the bearing of a final shaft, reading from the GRM drive. The arrow near a tag specifies towards GRM. Grease with a thin layer of motive oil a carving and the lower part of heads of bolts of fastening of covers of bearings and evenly tighten bolts with effort of 16 Nanometers.

  1. Grease necks of inlet camshafts with fresh motive oil, combine adjusting tags on the leader and conducted gear wheels and lay inlet camshafts in a head of cylinders.
  1. Establish covers of bearings of inlet camshafts on their former places and with former orientation.

Tags of the I1 type on covers of bearings designate number of the bearing of an inlet shaft, reading from the GRM drive. The arrow near a tag specifies towards GRM. Grease with a thin layer of motive oil a carving and the lower part of heads of bolts of fastening of covers of bearings and evenly, in stages, tighten bolts with effort of 16 Nanometers.

  1. Turn out an auxiliary bolt from gear wheels of the final camshaft.
  2. Check and if necessary adjust a valvate gap (see the Section Check and adjustment of valvate gaps).
  1. Establish segment traffic jams (No. 24), previously having cleared them of old sealing material and having put new (No. 08826-0080 according to the Toyota/Lexus catalog).
  1. Apply sealant (No. 08826-0080 according to the Toyota/Lexus catalog) on covers of heads of cylinders. Lay on heads of cylinders of laying and establish covers of heads of cylinders, having tightened their bolts evenly and in stages with effort of 8 Nanometers.
  1. Install the following components, tightening their fixture with the required efforts:
    • Final collector of the right number of cylinders and its rack;
    • Pump GUR arm;
    • The probe of level of motive oil together with its guide;
    • Final collector of the left number of cylinders and its rack;
    • Catalytic converter;
    • The giving cooling system tube;
    • Back plate of a head of cylinders;
    • Protection of an electrical wiring of the engine;
    • VVT-i valves;
    • CKP sensors.

Use new sealing rings of a guide of the probe of level of motive oil and the giving cooling system tube.

  1. Examine laying of a cover No. 3 of a belt of the GRM drive. If integrity of laying is broken, replace it, previously having removed all traces of old laying and having cleared a cover surface. Remove a protective film or paper from new laying, establish laying exactly on a contour, and strongly press laying to a cover. Make sure that laying stuck to a cover.
  1. Establish a cover No. 3 of a belt of the GRM drive and tighten 6 bolts of its fastening with effort of 8.5 Nanometers.
  2. Establish a GRM drive belt roller No. 2, cogwheels of camshafts and a belt of the GRM drive (see the Section Removal, check and installation of a belt of the GRM drive of its natyazhitel, pulley and cogwheel of a bent shaft, cogwheels of camshafts and intermediate rollers).
  3. Establish spark plugs and coils of ignition (see the Section Check and replacement of spark plugs).
  4. Establish two new laying of a water waste branch pipe (No. 29), connect to it perepuskny a hose, tighten branch pipe fixture with effort of 15 Nanometers and connect an ECT sensor electrical wiring, the plug of the tire of grounding and a hose of a radiator to a branch pipe.
  5. Install the inlet pipeline, fuel distributive highways and injectors then evenly tighten 9 bolts and 2 nuts of fastening of the inlet pipeline with effort of 15 Nanometers.
  6. Connect the fuel giving hose to a tube and a heater hose to the inlet pipeline.
  7. Make sure that fixture of a water waste branch pipe is tightened with effort of 15 Nanometers.
  8. Establish assembly of the air distributor. Tighten all fixture with the required efforts. Use new laying of the air distributor.
  9. Install the described components.
  10. Fill the cooling system, start the engine and check it for leaks. Carry out a trial trip during which check make sure of lack of extraneous noises and pushes. Make sure of correctness of gear shifting and smoothness of the course of the car.
  11. Check the OZh level and if necessary modify it (see the Section Replacement of the Cooling Liquid (CL)).