1998 — 2003 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
- Governing bodies and methods of operation
   + Access, protection
   + Elements of security systems
   + Car equipment, arrangement of devices and governing bodies
   + Devices of ensuring comfort
   - Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
      Start of the engine and start of motion
      Management of automatic transmission (AT)
      Brake system
      Gidrousiletil of steering
      Features of operation of the cars equipped with the catalytic converter
      Towage of the trailer
+ Settings and routine maintenance of the car
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Brake system

The brake system of the considered cars is equipped by the vacuum amplifier allowing for braking with a certain intensity to put smaller effort to a brake pedal, than it would be required without amplifier. If the amplifier does not work (at the idle engine or for other reason), the working brake system remains serviceable, however it will be required to press on a brake pedal with a bigger force, and the brake way, as a rule, will increase.

At the idle engine by each pressing a brake pedal the additional effort of braking decreases therefore it is not necessary to press a brake pedal at the idle vacuum amplifier without need (for example, at deduction of driving on the slippery road).

In case of refusal brakes during the movement braking by means of the parking brake is allowed, however it is necessary to remember that the brake way in this case will exceed much more a brake way when using working brakes always.

Use of the parking brake at the movement of the car with a normal speed can cause driving loss therefore if it is necessary to use the parking brake for a stop of the moving car, act especially accurately.

It is not necessary to hold a leg on a brake pedal at the movement of the car since it leads to heating and premature wear of brake mechanisms and increase in a brake way. At the movement on a slope do not use brakes too long, instead use braking by the engine, switching to the lowering transfers. After the movement during a rain, and also after overcoming a water barrier it is necessary to dry brake mechanisms, having slightly pressed a pedal of a brake and holding it until productivity of brakes does not return on normal level.

Lobbies and back brake mechanisms

On the considered cars disk brake mechanisms are installed. Indicators of their wear which begin to make a high-pitched sound at the movement or when pressing a brake pedal are built in brake slips if slips demand replacement. At the same time it is necessary to replace slips whenever possible rather to avoid further more expensive repair.

It is not necessary to confuse operation of indicators of wear of brake shoes and the scratch of brakes arising under certain conditions when pressing a brake pedal.

Parking brake

On the European models the lever of the parking brake is located on the central console, between front seats. For raising of the parking brake pull the lever up to an emphasis. For an otpuskaniye of the parking brake press the button located on the free end of the lever, and lower the lever down, holding the button of pressed.

Do not use the transmission established on transfer instead of the parking brake. On the parking surely you cock the parking brake and install the AT selector lever in situation "P".

On the American models the parking brake is given by a pedal (see the illustration Scheme of an Arrangement of Elements of Management on the dashboard). For raising of the parking brake press a pedal of the working brake system and, holding it, squeeze out a pedal of the drive of the parking brake and release a pedal of a working brake. For an otpuskaniye of the parking brake press a pedal of a working brake, then, holding it, press and release a pedal of the drive of the parking brake – it has to return to the top situation.

At a stop on rise park the car as it is possible closer to the sidewalk or a roadside and turn wheels to the center of the road that at the casual movement of the car back forward wheels would rest against curbstone.

At a stop on descent park the car as it is possible closer to the sidewalk or a roadside and turn wheels to a roadside that at the casual movement of the car back forward wheels would rest against curbstone.

At each start of the engine check To/L the brake system (see the car Equipment, an arrangement of devices and governing bodies) – at the cocked KL parking brake has to burn, and after its otpuskaniye To/L has to die away. If after an otpuskaniye of the parking brake it To/L continues to burn, it indicates malfunction in the brake system which has to be repaired before to begin the movement. If To/L lit up during the movement, stop at the first opportunity and eliminate malfunction.

System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS)

The ABS system constantly traces the speed of rotation of wheels of the car and at their blocking repeatedly modulates hydraulic pressure in the brake system.

When braking in conditions which can lead to blocking of wheels it is possible to hear clicks in brake mechanisms, or to feel brake pedal pulsations. The listed phenomena are a consequence of normal work of the ABS system and mean its activity. It is not necessary to change at the same time effort of pressure upon a brake pedal since it will prevent the ABS system to work with maximum efficiency.

It is necessary to remember the following precautionary measures always:

  • Even in the presence of the ABS system the car cannot be stopped instantly, - you hold a safe distance;
  • Always reduce speed on turns since the ABS system cannot prevent emergence of accident at a high speed;
  • When braking on the uneven road with ABS use the brake way is longer, than without ABS use.
  • Do not neglect the general safety rules of traffic.

Check To/L the ABS system at start of the engine, - it has to light up for 2-3 seconds, and then go out. If To/L does not die away, ABS means it is faulty, at the same time the working brake system can normally function. To/L the ABS system can join also at long braking on the slippery road. If it occurred, stop and kill the engine. If after restart of the KL engine does not go out, drive away the car on HUNDRED for diagnostics and elimination of malfunction.