1998 — 2003 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
- Governing bodies and methods of operation
   - Access, protection
      Access to a podkapotny prostranostvo
      Access to a jellied mouth of the fuel tank
      Top hatch
      Glasses of doors
      Anticreeping system
   + Elements of security systems
   + Car equipment, arrangement of devices and governing bodies
   + Devices of ensuring comfort
   + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Settings and routine maintenance of the car
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Automatic transmission and interaxal differential
+ Transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections

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General information and precautionary measures

Before leaving the car unguarded, do not forget to take out a key from the ignition lock, to cock the parking brake, to close all windows and to lock all doors. It is necessary to lock doors as well at the movement of the car for prevention of their casual opening and also to exclude penetration into the car of strangers (for example, at a stop in front of the traffic light). In transit children on a back seat block locks of back doors. Do not leave children or animals in the locked car since the salon can strongly heat up and cause deterioration in their health or loss of consciousness. Before a start of motion make sure that the door of a back is densely closed since otherwise the noxious to health fulfilled gases can get to salon.

The considered cars are equipped with the system of the uniform lock allowing to lock and unlock all doors, operating with the lock of one of side doors. Locking of locks from a door of the driver is made in two stages: at first the driver's door is locked, and at repeated turn of a key – other doors.

Unlocking and locking of doors outside


  1. Turn a key in the lock of a forward door counterclockwise to lock all doors. For unlocking of doors turn a key clockwise.
  2. It is possible to lock and unlock doors and by means of DU (see subsection Keys with DU).
  3. When locking doors by means of a key the anticreeping system is activated (see the Section Glasses of doors).

Unlocking and locking of doors from within

If to lock the lock of an open door from within, then after closing of a door it will remain locked. Be attentive and do not lock keys in the car in such a way.


  1. For locking of a door press the button locking from within forward. In this situation to open a door both outside, and from within, it is impossible.
1 — It is locked
2 — It is opened

It is possible to block a door from within only if the key is not in the lock of ignition and the door is closed. For unlocking of a door pull the locking button from within back.

  1. It is at the same time possible to lock and unlock locks of all doors by means of the special switches located in forward doors. Pressing a forward part of a key of the switch leads to locking of locks, and on back – to their unlocking.
1 — It is locked
2 — It is opened

Additional blocking of locks of back doors


  1. Additional blocking of locks of back doors is intended for prevention of their opening by the children who are on a back seat.
  2. In order that the back door could not be opened from within, turn the lock located in a back part of a door in situation (1) and close it. Now it is possible to open a door only outside.
1 — It is locked
2 — It is opened

Unlocking and locking of a door of a back


  1. For unlocking of a door of a back insert a key into its lock, turn it counterclockwise and carefully lift a back door.
1 — Locking
2 — Unlocking
3 — Opening
  1. For convenience of closing of a door of a back it is possible to use the handle. After closing of a door make sure of reliability of its fixing and lock a door, having turned a key in its lock clockwise.

It is possible to lock the lock animals of the lock as well with any of side doors, using function of the uniform lock (see Access, protection).